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Saw blade installation requirements
1. The equipment is in good condition, the main shaft has no deformation, no jump, no fixed vibration, no vibration, etc.
2. Check whether the saw blade is damaged, whether the tooth profile is complete, whether the saw blade is smooth and clean, and whether there are other abnormal phenomena to ensure the safety of use. 3. When assembling, make sure that the direction of the arrow of the saw blade is the same as the direction of rotation of the spindle of the device.
4. When the saw blade is installed, keep the shaft center, the chuck and the flange plate clean, the inner diameter of the flange plate is the same as the inner diameter of the saw blade, ensure the flange plate and the saw blade are tightly combined, install the positioning pin, and tighten the nut. The size of the flange should be appropriate and the outside diameter should not be less than 1/3 of the diameter of the saw blade.
5. Before the equipment is started, to ensure safety, there is a single person to operate the equipment, jog idle, check whether the equipment steering is correct, whether there is vibration, the blade is idle for a few minutes after being installed, normal work after skidding, swinging or jumping .
Maintenance editor
1. If the saw blade is not used immediately, it should be laid flat or suspended in the inner hole. The flat saw blade must not be piled with other objects or footed, and should be protected against moisture and corrosion [1].
2. When the saw blade is no longer sharp and the cutting surface is rough, it must be reground in time. Grinding can not change the original angle and damage the balance.
3. The internal diameter of the saw blade must be corrected by the manufacturer. If the processing is poor, it will affect the use of the product, and may be dangerous, in principle, the hole can not exceed the original diameter of 20mm, so as not to affect the balance of the stress.
6. Normal glass and rear glass should be separated by 10 cm during normal operation.
7. If there is a glass stuck in the machine, it should be stopped first, open the upper cover, manually adjust, stop heating, and then start the "drive" button to ensure that it is safely removed. If rotten glass must be completely cleaned before boot.
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