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Woodworking band saw blade cutting costs how to achieve savings
Woodworking band saw blade cutting costs how to achieve savings
Woodworking Band Saw Blades When cutting structural steel, proper band saw speed is very important. For example, A36 carbon steel materials widely used in structures are generally cut at a speed of about 250 FPM, but the belt speed varies depending on the wall thickness. Softer steels require faster belt speeds to allow the saw teeth to come in and out of the cuts. Otherwise, the saw teeth can pull a thick chip back and forth, exerting extra pressure on the saw teeth, causing the saw teeth to crack or the saw blade to break.
In operation, once tooth decay occurs, slowing down the speed of the woodworking band saw blade is a common coping style, but in most cases, this approach is wrong and will make the problem worse. The optimum belt speeds used on softer metals such as carbon steels and aluminum alloys are generally much higher than the belt speeds used on high hardness steels such as nickel alloys and die steels. Use the Lenox catalog or the Lenox SawCalc software program to find the right belt speed for your application.
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